It's never too early to start thinking about how your business is going to prepare and send out company holiday cards. Using these cards is a great way for companies to connect with their clients and strengthen the relationships between them. People appreciate kind gestures, and thoughtful messages now more than ever. Sending holiday cards is a great and easy way to show your clients that you care and appreciate their business. Here at Omega, we are determined to assist you with all of your printing needs, including taking you through the steps of how to design your holiday cards.
Choosing Your Message
The holiday season is different for everyone, which is why it can be tough picking the right message that fits for everybody. Your customers could celebrate a multitude of different holidays, or sometimes not celebrate them at all. This is why we suggest a timeless message such as “Season’s Greetings” or “Warm Wishes.” Make sure to include your company name on the front of this card to make it clear to your clientele that it is from you. You can also send business holiday cards around non-religious holidays like Thanksgiving or New Year’s Eve. Choosing an atypical holiday has the added benefit of helping your brand’s message stand out instead of getting lost in the pile of other Christmas cards.
Giving Thanks
However you choose to word your main greeting, you want to remind the client the real reason for sending them a card, to make your customer feel appreciated and special. This means your main message should focus on showing your gratitude for your customers and the business that they bring to your company. The joy of the holiday season is all about reflecting on the things we have to feel grateful for from the past year, like the customers who support you. On the inside of your card, thank them for choosing to do business with you. Including a handwritten note is a sure way to impress your recipient, if you have the time and resources to do so. Save time and still make an impact by having your message printed, but adding handwritten touches like the customer’s name and your signature.
Designing Your Card
From classic to contemporary, there are a wide range of different holiday card styles available to choose from. Whatever you select should make sense and reflect your company’s brand. Not using any religious imagery in your design will avoid the risk of offending any of your clients. There are plenty of non-religious symbols and imagery that radiate the feelings that we associate with the holiday season. You could choose a classic winter theme with evergreen trees, falling snow, and children sledding and building snowmen. Adding premium touches like metallic foil or unique paper finishes will help your card stand out and feel special.
When To Send Them Out
If you’re planning to send business holiday cards this year, don’t delay! Ideally, your cards should be delivered in the beginning of December, and you’ll need to allow some time for choosing your design, preparing your list of recipients, having your cards printed, and finally the mailing process. Starting the process a few months before December will give you enough time to go through the trial and error process of your cards. You never know if you want to make any last minute changes, which is why mailing your cards at the end of November allows them to arrive by early to mid December, just in time for the start of Winter. If you plan on sending Thanksgiving Cards or New Years Cards, adjust your start time to two months before you'd like to have your cards in the hands of your client. Sending company cards can feel overwhelming on top of everything else that goes into the holiday season but Omega can make it easy for you by helping you choose the right message and designs, printing your cards, and even mailing them for you.
Looking for a printing company near you that can bring your custom designs to life? Omega offers an array of printing services that are guaranteed to get the job done right, every time. Contact us, today!
Written by Omega High Impact Print Solutions’ Digital Marketing Intern, Ryan Lombardi