Accurate Proofreading
There are two types of proofreading that need to take place before a file is
ready to be printed. The first kind of proofreading has to do with checking for grammar mistakes, typos, spelling, and the overall flow of the language. The second form of proofreading concentrates on the visual appeal of the document from a graphic standpoint. This focuses on line breaks, text spacing, color issues, and overall layout of the file. The main thing to be aware of is making sure the entirety of the document stays consistent.
Image Size and Resolution
It is crucial to double-check the resolution of the images before printing them. This does not only refer to the resolution of the image, but also the resolution of the full scope of design. When thinking about the design of your project, it should be designed at a resolution that will compliment the kind of paper you are printing on. Blurry and pixelated images will drive away the interest of a client, while crisp and clear images of good resolution demand attention from a client. A well-produced document will always succeed in the world of print, so there is no option when it comes to checking twice.
Calibrating Screens
While printing a project, the true tone of colors can easily be misrepresented by the screen that you are viewing it on. Some screens may not be accurately calibrated which will lead to a different color than intended when you go to print. Graphic designers have a wide range of tools in order to check color accuracy before sending a design to the press. Making sure your image is correct will save you a whole lot of money and time.
Lining Bleed and Crop Marks
Lining up your bleed and crop marks before taking your digital design and putting it in the real world is a great step to take in looking professional. These marks indicate the edges of your design and where the cuts should be made once it is printed. Making sure these are correct will not only improve your image, but save you time and money not having to deal with misprints.
Selecting the perfect Paper
Choosing the right paper makes all the difference when it comes to a project. The final step before printing is choosing the paper, so make sure you pick one that compliments the project. Different kinds of paper can change the way your print project looks. For example, you can often get the same result you desire with a cheaper semi-gloss paper rather than an expensive matte paper. Your project could also not look right if you choose the wrong type of paper, so make sure the preparation is thorough.
Written by Omega High Impact Print Solutions’ Digital Marketing Intern, Ryan Lombardi